Taal Lake Yacht Club has 2, 4 and 6 person sailing catamarans, one and 2 person kayaks and sailing dinghies. We also have motorized Bancas with crew, and an outboard boat for rent. Unless expressly stated, boat rental prices are for the boat only. If you need an instructor or crew, employee cost is usually P350/hour. If you want to take a boat without an employee, a senior instructor must certify that you are capable. We must also run your credit card, as a precaution against damage. READ THIS ENTIRE SECTION, especially RESCUE POLICY, DAMAGE POLICY, and RENTAL POLICIES & EXTRA CHARGES. Rates on the current page are updated. We follow whatever rates and policies are on this website at the time of rental.
Oz Goose Daysailing or lessons | Whole day Rental w Life-jacket | P1600 |
Oz Goose | 5X Rental Package | P 6000 |
Special Race day promotion | Whole day on activity day. ADD ACTIVITY FEE | P 800 |
Laser type Boat Rentals (1-2 persons ) | Particulars | Rates |
Laser Escape older modified Laser with furling main | Whole day Rental w Life-jackets | P2000 |
5X Rental Package | P8,000 |

Laser (original boats to class rules) | Whole day Rental w Life-jackets | P2500 |
5X Rental Package | P10,000 | |
Boat Rentals ( 2-3 person boats) | Particulars | Rates |
Hobie 16 | One Hour Boat Rental + Life-jackets | P2,100 |
Whole Day Boat Rental + Life-jackets | P4200 | |
5X Rental Package | P17,000 |

Boat Rentals (2 to 4 persons) | Particulars | Rates |
Hobie Getaway | One Hour Boat Rental + Life-jackets | P2,100 |
Whole Day Boat Rental + Life-jackets | P4,200 | |
5X Rental Package | P17,000 |

Boat Rentals (4-6 persons) | Particulars | Rates |
Hobie Getaway | One Hour Boat Rental + Lifevests | P2,100 |
Whole Day Boat Rental + Lifevests | P4200 |

Kayaks | Particulars | Rates |
KAYAKS | Tandem (2 person) Kayak + 2 paddles & 2 life-jackets | P400 PER HOUR P1200 WHOLE DAY |
It is advisable to make a reservation, especially for the Getaway, the 18, or the 21.
If you will need a driver instructor, it is VERY advisable to make an instructor reservation.
IF YOU NEED AN INSTRUCTOR, be sure you can reserve one, before pre-paying for a boat.
Call Arlyn or Sonia at +6
GLOBE +63 917 123 1403 GLOBE +63 956 067 5647 (updated 06 March 2018) to be sure one is available. GLOBE 09178383726
There are 2 kinds of reservations, Unconfirmed, and Confirmed. We have 2 kinds of reservations because the process of making a confirmed reservation is really tedious, both for you, and for us. so, 80% of reservations are unconfirmed reservations.
TO MAKE AN UNCONFIRMED RESERVATION, you do not have to prepay into our bank.
Call Arlyn or Sonia on the phone, and they will tell you if the boat you want has been reserved, and they will tell you if it is a confirmed, or unconfirmed reservation.
If there is no previous reservation, they will mark the hours of your slot. They will write down your cell # in the reservation book. Your slot is only confirmed for the hours that you reserve the boat. Your expected start time, is critical information.
There are 4 ways you can lose your unconfirmed reservation.
a) You can arrive late.
You must arrive on time. If you reserve the boat from 10AM onwards, be there by 10. If someone else is there at 10, and you are not, at our option, we can choose to give it to them for the whole day, or part of the day. To avoid this problem, reserve the boat for at least one hour after your expected arrival time at TLYC.
b) Someone can make a Confirmed Reservation
If someone else wants the boat, they can override your reservation by making a confirmed reservation during office hours. Note that if someone tries to do this, you will be sent a text, and you will be given 2 hours to change to a confirmed reservation. If a confirmed reservation is made, you will be sent a SECOND text, that you have lost your reservation, but most likely, the text will also say that your reservation has been transferred to another boat. If you want that boat, reply that you are making a reservation for that Second boat.
c) Too much wind.
We reserve the right to cancel any reservation if there is too much wind. usually, that’s wind above 15 knots. The best way to predict wind is to click WINDGURU for Taal Lake (it will open in a new window) and check the second line of colored numbers, marked as “Gusts”. In the “Amihan season, when the wind is easterly, the windstrength listed under “gusts” will usually be the average windspeed at the time indicated.
d) Broken Boat.
Boats break down. Its a reality of sailing. We will try to text you if there’s a breakdown, but its not 100% guaranteed. We will give you a different boat if we can.
1. Calling the Club during office hours at GLOBE +63 917 123 1403 or 09178383726 to find out if the boat is available, and making an unconfirmed reservation (see process above).
2. Pre-payment for the boat and/or the first hour of the instructor, subject to time allowances. You can pay into our BPI online.
3) Sent us a screenshot and then ALSO be prepared to show that screenshot at the club.
BONUS It is the club policy that, for many (not all) types of boats, that you can rent for the day, and you turn it in, you can rent another boat, of equal or lesser value. SO, If you rent a Hobie Getaway,, and after a while, the wind dies, you can turn it in, and get a kayak for free. If the wind comes up again, return the Kayak, and get the sailboat again.
LIFE-JACKETS Boat Rentals include two life jackets per H16. One trapeze harness is included if available. Other boats include 1 vest only. Wearing a lifevest is Mandatory on rental boats. BOOKLETS ON SAILING We do have a very inexpensive booklet on sailing Hobies. If you are not an experienced catamaran sailor, buy it. And read it BEFORE you go out. Make sure you can right a capsized boat unless you want to be rescued. It takes 265 lbs in the right place, using the right technique to right a 16. Technique is the key ingredient.
Miscellaneous | Particulars | Rates |
Instructors | Daily Instructor’s Rate (See sail training page) | P150-450 per hour |
Life Vests | Extra Passenger Life-jacket (MANDATORY) | P50 per day |
Bancas | Maximum Six Passengers (REDUCED TO 4 DURING COVID)
. . P2500 P600 |
Boat Ramp Fees |
Support Boat Our regular rescue boat or similar, rented hourly 2500/hr
- It is the prerogative of the TLYC to decide not to rent to anyone particularly if the person is not a member and is new to us, if their skill level is unknown, and/or if wind is strong.
- You may be required to take an exam and /or leave a rental deposit.
- You are responsible for anything that breaks. You are responsible to check the boat before it goes out. If you don’t think the boat can handle the conditions, don’t rent it. If you feel you are not qualified to make a judgement of whether a boatĺ is safe or not, don’t rent it without also taking an instructor with you.
- We do not rent out boats if the wind gusts are over 18 knots.
- Do not take rental boats further than where you can see the HULLS of boats on shore. doing so could trigger an automatic rescue, even if its just to tell you that you that you are too far away.
- Boat rental ends at 5:00 PM. If you aren’t back by sunset, or you are very far out at 5:00, the boys may decide to go and get you, and you will be charged a rescue fee.
- “Hourly rental” minutes are not cumulative. ie you cannot rent something for 20 minutes, return it for 30 minutes, use it for 20 minutes, return it for 30 minutes, and rent it again for 20 minutes, and then say 20 + 20 + 20 = 1 hr.
- Rental starts when you get on the boat. It does not start when you say you want to rent. If you request that a boat be set up for your use, and then you don’t use it, you will only be charged 20% of the daily rate. However, If someone else wants to use the boat, you will be informed so you can choose for your rental to start, or be able to give up your rental at no charge.
- Do not slam the boat into the beach. You risk a P500 fine. Stop the boat in the water by turning it upwind, and walk it into the beach.
- Do not Flog the sails. “Flogging” is “Continuous flapping of the sails because you have gone out in more wind than you can handle. It destroys the sails, and sails can cost up to $1000 The charge for this is $10 for every 3 minutes that you do it.
- Do not capsize a rental boat, unless it is on purpose and you are in a lesson and learning to right it. Every capsize is charged an additional P500. Rescue is an additional fee.
- Usually, if you are with an instructor, you will not be charged a rescue fee. Clarify this with the office before you go out. There are instances wherein you are not normally covered, such as if you go out in bad weather or if you sail farther than 2 km from shore. The office has the power to give you a written waiver if you make a deposit equal to tbe value of the boat.
Read this RESCUE section if you are renting a boat on your own. If you have an instructor with you, and you don’t contradict him, rescue fees are not charged. He should have prevented them.
TLYC runs a rescue boat, but we do not like to do rescues. We discourage people pushing their luck, because they figure that if anything happens, the rescue boat will pick them up. This section is intended to scare your pocketbook into deciding not to go beyond your limit of capability.
- Generally, if a boat has capsized or appears to be in need of assistance for 15 minutes or so, we will send a rescue boat out. So, if it takes you longer than 15 minutes to right the boat, count on being charged.
- TLYC does not guarantee that a rescue boat will be available. So don’t count on it! You will o be charged for the rescue if the boat goes out.
- IF you go out, remember you are on your own. You accept responsibility for everything. Being dependent on yourself alone, and making the proper preparations before you go out are an important part of what sailing is all about.
- Do not take rental boats further than 2km from shore, unless you have made prior WRITTEN arrangements with us. Under NO circumstance should you go further than the islands. If you get into trouble we can’t rescue you because we can’t see you. If you can’t clearly discern individual boat hulls on the beach, we cant see your hulls if you are upside down. We can’t rescue you if we can’t see you.
Usually, if you are with an instructor, you will not be charged a rescue fee. Clarify this with the office before you go out. There are instances wherein you are not normally covered, such as if you go out in bad weather or if you sail farther than 2 km from shore. The office has the power to give you a written waiver if you make a deposit equal to tbe value of the boat RESCUE CHARGES Rescue charges are based on a graduated rate. There are several variables involved, wind strength, distance from shore, time of day, total man-hours spent on the rescue. Our basic fee schedule is based on “standard Banca charges” in Talisay.
Rescue Fee | Particulars | Rates |
Rescue within 300m away from TLYC
300m to 1km |
500 |
Rescue 1km – 2km away from TLYC | P1000 | |
Rescue 2km – 3km away from TLYC | P1500 | |
Rescue 3km – 5km away from TLYC | P2500 | |
After 5PM
Over 15 knots |
Double price above
Double cumulative price above |
READ THE FINE PRINT- Rescue Charges- extra fees for strong winds.
- If you sail OUT-OF-SIGHT* of TLYC, extra time may be spent looking for you. If this happens, and we need to search for you, time charges will be added.
- Rescue fee is double if rescue is not completed by 5PM.
- Formula is rate X % extra time X wind strength X evening charges = final charge
*OUT-OF-SIGHT is defined as any point over 3.5 km from TLYC for an upright boat. This is about halfway between TLYC and Volcano island. Remember also, that a capsized boat will be “out of sight” even though an upright boat can still be seen.
The general policy on rental damage is: You break a part, you pay for a new one. We have a catalog of parts complete with pricing for your perusal. Inspect the boat before you go out. If the boat looks like it can only handle light winds, and it’s a windy day, don’t take it out. We reserve the right to refuse “oh it just broke” as an excuse. This is particularly true on windy days. Save yourself from this problem, get an instructor to certify that the boat is ok, and take him out with you.
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