

TLYC BAR has some packaged snacks available at the BAR .  The bar also has drinks for sale.   TLYC does not have its own restaurant. We deal with different Caterers.  Two of these caterers have staff at the club, so guests can actually order from club staff. Food is served...



The TLYC "Hobie Bar"  is the center of club activity.  It is the primary reception area, volcano ticketing and sign in area. We have WIFI - most of the time. :-) The bar is open all day till around 5, but sometimes we keep the bar open till dinner time,...

Mita’s Kitchen

Mita's Kitchen works with Taal Lake Yacht Club to serve TLYC Members and Guests. Members and Guests can order items directly from TLYC staff.This menu is divided into SPECIALS, what is almost ALWAYS AVAILABLE, and what is AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY occasionally.From first week in November, till the last week of May,...

TLYC Boat Storage


  Boat Parkng - Dry Boat Storage Rates Particulars  Members Rates 2014 1. Hobie P800 per month 2. Other Sailboats P45 per foot (including trailer) per month 3. Sailboard P800 per month INDOOR STORAGE (for board & sail) 4. Kayak P200 per month for OUTDOOR STORAGE P800 per month for...

Photoshoot Venue


TLYC allows Photoshoots by reservation. TYPES OF PHOTOSHOOTS Photoshoots are categorized into  Non-Commercial and Commercial. Non-Commercial are defined as Private events, such as Pre-Wedding Shoots,   Photo Clubs , and Private Photoshoot events arranged by Organizers. Commercial shoots and Movies are shoots where the Models or Actors are paid, movies shown in theaters...

Racing program

TLYC encourages racing as a way to improve skills, most particularly of emerging sailors, rather than sailors who are already accomplished racers. TLYC has racing once a month, generally on the Second Sunday of every month. TLYC also has some special events, such as the 'Round Taal Volcano Regatta" on...

Oz Goose

Oz Goose Oz Goose Class The Oz Goose Class is one of the most respected sailboat racing classes in the Philippines.  It is a “Home Built” class  best described as the original concept of the Optimist, built to “adult size”.  It is an easy to sail, inexpensive boat, with very...

Oz Goose Nationals 2023

Sailing-Instructions-SI-Ala-Eh-OGNat23Download NOR-OGNat23v1.0.docx-1Download

Raid on Laurel

Raid on Laurel.On April 7 2024 we had the  first official “Raid” to Laurel in coordination with the local Tourism officer Marivic Mayuga and a lunch was provided by  Mayor Lyndon Bruce’s office. ICMI: 25 sailors from TLYC raided the town of Laurel last Sunday. They were welcomed by the town with...

TLYC Raids

Cruising On Taal Lake Taal Lake Yacht Club has an active racing program to get people out sailing, as well as instructors, who teach newbies to sail. In collaboration with the Philippine Home boat Builders Yacht Club however, TLYC has added the "Raid" type of event, where different types of...