Non-member entry/Day tour

₱100 per person per hour
₱400 per day per person per day creditable against rental boats or equipment
Posting a link soon to Entry rates, discounts, and details

Boat rides /Volcano tours

P3500 /hr for up to 5 guests Includes free entry fees and Cabaña
Click this link to find out more details about Volcano Tours.


₱800 per month or ₱9600 per year

Follow this link to the membership page

Boat Storage

Hobie 16: ₱800 per month open storage for members

OzGoose/ small dinghy: ₱800 per month for members In covered racks
Under the PHBYC /TLYC  sponsorship program, you can enter your Goose into a special program where you can cut your storage fee in half,  make money by renting your boat to others, reduce your club membership costs, help promote sailing, and fund disabled sailing as well as our local community sailing program.  

More detail, Discounts and Other craft are on the BOAT STORAGE PAGE

Sailboat Rentals

TAAL EXPLORER P1k per person for the first hour, P700 per person for suceeding hours. Minimum charge 7 passengers/students, Max 12 passengers. Trip fees include crew to run the boat. see tlyc.com/taal-explorer for more details.

Hobie Getaway: ₱2100 per hour or ₱4200 for 3 hours (up to 5 people) crew not included

OzGoose: ₱800 per hour or ₱1600 for 3 hours (up to 2 adults and a small child)

OzGoose race day: ₱900 per race day + race entry fees

Follow this link to see more details about boat rentals and race day discounts


Race Fees: ₱350 per single handed boat or ₱500 per double handed boat

OzGoose race day: ₱900 per race day + race entry fees

Notice of Race OzGoose Racing Hobie 16 Racing


Bar seating: ₱100 per person per hour… The Hobie Bar

6 person Cabaña: ₱100 per hour or ₱300 per day

8 person Cabaña: ₱400 per day

16 person Cabaña: ₱800 per day

Training tent: please inquire

Party deck: please inquire

Tent pitch: ₱100 per day (site only, maximum size four man tent)

Camper van: ₱1500 per day

Four man tent rental: ₱500 per night (sleeping 2 adults)

Skippers, Instructors and Boatboys

Experienced sailing instructors, skippers and boat-boys, start at ₱400 per hour. There are also more highly qualified and experienced staff available which attract a premium rate.
A link to manpower will be posted soon